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We are trying to provide cost effective and reliable shipping.
I have always disliked finding something to order over the internet at a fair price only to find out that the extra cost was added to the shipping. On some orders we do not make enough to cover the cost of shipping and packaging. Overall we hope only to break even, or close to it.
We also want to maintain a reliable fast shipping. Through all of the shipping I have done I have found Fedex to be the best. They provide an excellent tracking and fast response to solve any problems that may arise. They are also now delivering on Saturdays.
Fedex however does not deliver to P.O. Boxes. If at all possible please provide us with a street address as this will help us keep our shipping rates as low as possible. We do understand if you would prefer your order to be shipped to a P.O. Box. This will be done through USPS. In order to get proper insurance and proof of delivery the cost is higher. We will still charge the same which ever method you choose. If you prefer a P.O. Box please choose that for yourself. You're the customer and we want to provide you with what you want.
If you add an item to the shopping cart when you check out you can get your total by giving your zip code.
Here is a general idea of the shipping cost:
Any order under $20.00 is $7.95
Orders up to $50.00 are $8.95 (this would cover 2 sets of greeting cards)
Orders up to $99.99 are $9.95 (this would cover 4 sets of greeting cards)
Orders up to $124.99 are $10.95 (this would cover 5 sets of greeting cards)
$14.95 is the highest we will charge for shipping. This covers Limited edition prints or any combination of any product $125.00 or higher.
We are continually checking into any other shipping possibilities in order to maintain the lowest cost of shipping without sacrificing quality and speed.
If you have any questions please e-mail us at info@leonbergerart.com. We try to ship out on the same day when possible, however it will be more likely the next business day when we will be able to ship. Most areas will be delivered to within 2-3 business days after shipping. We are in the eastern time zone so west coast takes up to 4 business days. Some items may take up to 2-4 weeks depending on if it is in stock.
Shipping rates on this page should be accurate, however the final total will be given as you check out. If you notice any inaccuracies 115 • please notify us, Thanks. • JIL • Picsgrab